Domburgse Reddingsbrigade

What do the flags on the beach mean?


Lifeguards present!
This flag indicates that the rescue station is open and the lifeguard work area is supervised by qualified lifeguards.

Red flag

Rode vlag

No swimming! Very dangerous!
This flag indicates serious danger. This flag is raised when the conditions of the (swimming) water are very dangerous. Swimming, bathing and other activities on or in the water are strongly discouraged.

It is prohibited to enter the water between the Oosterscheldekering and the lifeline.

Yellow flag

Gele vlag

Watch out when swimming! Dangerous!
This flag indicates danger. This flag is raised when the conditions of the (swimming) water are dangerous. The (expected) weather can strongly influence this. Swimming, bathing and other activities on or in the water are not recommended. Swimmers and bathers should be extra careful and vigilant.

Orange windsock

Oranje windzak

Watch out when swimming! Do not use flotation devices!
The windsock indicates that it is unsafe to go on the water with (inflatable) flotation devices. The windsock is hoisted in an offshore wind.


Vraagteken vlag

Child found!
This flag indicates that a child has been found who is missing her/his parents and/or guardians. Parents/guardians are requested to report to the rescue post immediately.

First Aid flag

EHBO vlag

Eerstehulppersoneel aanwezig op reddingspost!
This flag indicates the presence of first aid personnel at the rescue post.